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Vasectomy in Queensland: World Class Care for Queensland Men

At Queensland Vasectomy we offer the very best in vasectomy care in Brisbane and throughout locations in Queensland.  That’s because Dr Nathanael Sheehan is a Queenslander.   Dr Sheehan started Queensland Vasectomy with the single aim of providing world-class vasectomy in Queensland,  for Queenslanders.

Vasectomy Queensland HQ is based in the heart of Brisbane’s oldest medical precinct and adjacent to the Royal Brisbane Hospital, Herston in the original Victoria Park Golf clubhouse. The building is now home to the Herston Health clinic.  You will find Vasectomy Queensland on the first floor.  Dr Sheehan hasn’t traveled far.  He was born on the other side of Herston road in the Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital.  There has been a hospital on the site since 1867 and over the decade’s countless patients have been cared for by the dedicated hospital staff.  The buildings, names, and medical knowledge have all evolved over that time but the dedicated care has not.  It is likely that the first vasectomy in Queensland was performed in the health precinct.  Vasectomies have come a long way since those early days and now men can be confident their vasectomy in Queensland is amongst the best in the world.  Dr Sheehan routinely travels internationally to teach no-scalpel vasectomy and speak at conferences.  He is a director of no-scalpel vasectomy Australia.

Vasectomies have always been popular throughout Australia and Queensland in no exception.  In fact, Vasectomy in Queensland remains particularly prevalent.  There are more men getting a  Vasectomy in Queensland than NSW or Victoria.  And because of it’s size more men get a vasectomy in Brisbane than anywhere else.

As men get older the prostate continues to grow leading to difficulty urinating.  Sperm travel through the prostate and it was thought amongst medical professionals that a vasectomy may help these men.  If the sperm could be reduced or ceased this might stop the prostate from enlarging.  It didn’t work but it also didn’t do any harm.  Soon men were requesting vasectomies for family planning.  Vasectomies were still rare until the 1950s when the taboo of birth control started to fade.  Over the subsequent 70 plus years vasectomies have grown in popularity each year.

Brisbane is somewhat famous in vasectomy circles due to the hard work of pioneers such as Dr Trevor Sauer.  It was the dedicated vasectomy Brisbane doctor who pioneered the open-ended vasectomy technique. Over his career, Dr Sauer performed 10 000s of vasectomies in Brisbane.

Dr Sheehan grew up on the south side of the river and attended Griffith University at Nathan.  He then started Medical School at the University of Queensland; again returning to the Herston health precinct.  There aren’t many corners of Queensland where Dr Sheehan hasn’t practiced medicine.  He has worked up the coast in Gold Coast, Brisbane, Bundaberg, Gladstone, Rockhampton, and Cairns.  He has worked in Chinchilla and Boonah.  He has also worked in places many Queenslanders may not have even heard of such as Glenden, Pormpuraaw and Kowanyama.  Dr Sheehan started performing vasectomies as a country doctor.  Although he enjoyed the work and particularly enjoyed living in the country, he felt it was better to dedicate his time exclusively to performing vasectomy in Queensland.

Dr Sheehan doesn’t just want to offer world-class vasectomy in Brisbane.  Dr Sheehan is passionate to provide all men world-class vasectomies in Queensland. 

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